The fantastic news of the Induction of the Wild Bunch in to the British Drag Racing Hall of Fame!!

582 Views Created 20 Jul 2019 11:04 by crazy2 Last Edited 25 Jul 2019 08:49 by crazy2


Hi folks

Here is more info on the amazing news that, as announced at Santa Pod at Dragstalgia on Friday 12th July, our very own 'Wild Bunch Nostalgia Drag Racing' club has been chosen to be inducted in to the prestigious 'British Drag Racing Hall of Fame' as one of the 2019 inductees!!

This is indeed a huge honour and we are all very grateful to Stu Bradbury and the board of selectors for nominating us for this incredible award. This is such a thrill and we are all over the moon to hear this! Wow!

Many Congratulations to every single Wild Bunch member, past and present, as this is a joint award to the whole club :-)

It was very special that at Dragstalgia we were able to gather a group of over 50 Wild Bunch members to hear the surprise announcement. We were thrilled that co-founder Roy Wilding and longtime chairman Chris Hartnell were present, as well as several members who have been with the club for around 25 years! A very special moment to celebrat our club's history!


The citation itself can be found on the 'British Drag Racing Hall of Fame' website:

For more info, see the Home page:



There is also similar great news for Wild Bunch member Ian Lloyd of 'Gonzo the Great' and more fame, as he is also an inductee this year! Well done and many Congratulations to Ian on this and a great career still going strong tuning Gonzo to 7.788 / 167.30 PB at Dragstalgia! Well deserved.

Please also see the news on news of 12th July (Huge Congratulations to the whole team for also being one of this year's inductees! Very well deserved and thanks to them for all they do for the sport!).



We are so honoured to be amongst all the illustrious members of the British Drag Racing Hall of Fame! The presentation Gala do will be held on Saturday 23rd November, at the Oatlands Park Hotel in Weybridge, where representatives from the Wild Bunch will collect a wonderful Bootsie crystal award on behalf of the whole club! 

Many thanks to everyone at the British Drag Racing Hall of Fame for this wonderful honour which is so much appreciated by all! We hope to all carry on celebrating the history of our great sport for a long time to come!



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