Wild Bunch Prize Presentation Raffle
Many thanks to all who donated prizes for the Wild Bunch raffle at the Prize Presentation Dinner Dance at Drayton Manor on Saturday, 25th November, where we had a fantastic evening! They included:
Paul Whitehouse Art (6 amazing prints of his artwork), Santa Pod Raceway (event tickets), Derek Annable in Memoriam, Dan Wilson & Team Antique Toy, Hayley of The Burnout Boutique, Chris & Claire of C&C Nostalgia Drag Racing Team, Keith Crampton of Soul Town Shaker, Team B-Sting, Sarah & Rob (and friends) of Team Happy Daze, Bob & Julia Hawkins (and friends) of Team Time Traveller II, Sarah & Paul Tarry of Team Trigger’s Broom, The Marras Rob & Pete Brown and Hayley Fyfe & Natalie Long of Wrathchild & Rebel Racing, Ian Wild, Paul Wright and many more! There were over 60 prizes altogether and over three quarters of those who bought envelopes won prizes!! Many apologies if you kindly donated and were not mentioned here – many thanks to everyone who contributed, and everyone who bought envelopes on the night! Hooray for the 63 winners!!
The raffle raised an amazing Total of £410 for Wild Bunch funds!!! So, many thanks again to all the contributors, and to Hayley Fyfe for co-ordinating the collection and organisation of the prizes. All very much appreciated!!